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A part of Touch in the « Zapping du Web »

tv loisir zap
16 jan 2014 / in Internet, Media

I am happy to saw a part of the video Touch in the zap of Télé loisir. And I like the tittle  » how to walk on water  » Check the website here

Touch view by american TV

rightthisminute touch
16 jan 2014 / in Internet, Media, TV

The American Channel Right this Minute spoke about the new video « Touch » time : 1:34

report in the new paper « le Dauphiné »

15 jan 2014 / in Magazine, Media

Thanks to Emilie Chauvot for the report. Find the news on the Dauphiné website here !

Report in the Cross Counrty Magazine website

xc mag website report touch
14 jan 2014 / in Internet, Media

Thank Ed for the great interview about the new video Touch. Check the link here

report in « »

14 jan 2014 / in Internet, Magazine, Media

Thanks Sasha for the repport.

Report in Cross Country magazin

Capture d’écran 1
07 jan 2014 / in Magazine, Media

Cross Country magazin make a nice report about the new video Touch. Photo : Louis Garnier & Antoine Dischly

Tested the Geunaute 360 camera

camera 360 geonaute
07 jan 2014 / in Internet, Media, News

It was amazing to test the new proto of the 360 geonaute camera, a new way of  sport video is coming !