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Banff Festival ( french & germany )

Capture d’écran 2015-03-06 à 15.07.14
06 mar 2015 / in Festival, Media

We are really pround be selected for the Banff festival. The Banff is a great film festival who show outdoors film in many counrty around the world. It was really pleasur to come in Annecy and stuttgart to watch all the film selection, meet the Banff team and spoke with the public. I hope come back […]

Working for the new video project

25 fév 2015 / in News

With an amazing team, we were in Morocco to shoot the next video project. The nice spirit and the motivation was present but the weather was really difficult… We already have some amzing shoots but we were not able to finish the project. We plan to finish the video this summer and hopefully release the […]

report in « vivre haut » french magazin

vivre haut parution
13 fév 2015 / in Magazine, Media

Thanks to the french magazine « Vivre haut » for the great report. size: 1,3 audience: 30 000 prints

M6 ( french tv ) show Touch & kiwi experience

m6 3
05 fév 2015 / in Media, TV

Small report on news 1245 from M6 (french channel ) to indroduce my new video « Kiwi experience » with a part of « Touch ». check the replay here at 00:18: timing: 18s audience: around 1,5 million

Kiwi Experience video / SEAT

03 fév 2015 / in Internet, Media, News

I had the chance to celebrate the New Year in New Zealand where I discovered many fascinating flying spots. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did ! Thanks to Seat to give me the chance to make this road trip and to my team ( Blue Max Media & Guillaume Galvani ) […]

report in the Dauphine to introduce new video

jump low quality
03 fév 2015 / in Magazine, Media

thanks to Valérie Merle for one more great article in the French news papper  » le Dauphiné » to introduce my new video « kiwi Experience ». size : half of page

article in parapente plus magazine

parapente + icare du cinema
20 jan 2015 / in Magazine, Media

Thanks to Catherine Mouligne for this article in the french magazine « parapente plus »