Quickie: real life or video game ?

When the life looks like video game with my new point of view.
Autumn is perfect to hike and fly with friend but Guillaume Galvani have a different way to fly.
I am really proud to be part of the Adidas #claimfreedom campaign. Adidas propose you to be the new adidas outdoor athletes, I love this idea!
With my friend photographer Tristan Shu, we made a creative photo series during the last year. Thanks venta de viagra para mujeres to all the people who help us to make it happen. I hope you will enjoy the series. Check the Tristan work on is website WWW.TristanShu.com
Welcome on board with my new point of view. It’s the beginning of the « Quickie series », many videos like are coming!
Thanks to Mathilde Bouletex for the interview, it was great time even with my sickness.
I am really happy to be part of the 3D Robotics ambassador. I have the chance to make some new kind of footage with my solo drone. the solo is the first smart drone really easy to use. Check the first test with my new toy. more information on this website: www.3DR.com