Photos in parapente mag

Thanks Nicolas Assael for the photos !
Welcome in the colorful world of Tristan Shu ! Tristan is the most dynamic and passionnate guy I know, it was a real pleasur to shoot with him and the result look amazing ! Follow him on Facebook on in his website. JB
For 3 days, all the team was coming at home to make another part of the movie. It was not so easy part but interresting part … Thanks to the Resalp compagny and Air libre to help us for this project. Stay tuned, the video is coming for january 2014. Photo : Louis Garnier
For the next video project, we were on the amazing Santorini island to fly over the white village over the clif. The goal was to perform proximity fly but the wind didn t help us… Finaly, we get the shoots and i would like to thanks the local pilots and to the Ambassador hotel to […]
This year, i made the acro show for the Natural Game in Millau. It was a great session and I met Mathieu Dumoulin in a strange situation … check the video Thanks François Kerne and Léo Bésombe to make it possible. Vidéo : Le kayak volant de Mathieu Dumoulin Photo : Antoine […]
My vision of the piloting start on the ground, then close to ground ( wagga style or proximity fly ) to finish in the air to make acro maneuvers. So I try to made a wing who can make all that kind style of fly. An especially important premise of the design was to get […]
It’s an honor to be part of the Seb Montaz video with the Skyliners for them new video, » le petit buss rouge ». Enjoy the teaser here :